Synthetic topos theory

[002V] Cross-theory axioms

We have introduced the type theory of spaces and the type theory of sheaves both of which are internal to a base type theory. Now we introduce some axioms that strongly tie these type theories together.

The first axiom ([002S]) is between the base type theory and the type theory of spaces. It asserts that types in the base type theory are equivalent to étale spaces.

[002S] Axiom

Let \(T\) be a base type theory. We work in \(T\). Let \(i:\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Level}}}\).

  • -The function \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {GS}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}}:\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {GS}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}}(\mathcal {E}(i))\rightarrow \mathcal {U}(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {succ}}}(i))\) factors through \(\mathcal {U}(i)\).
  • -Let \(A:\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {GS}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}}(\mathcal {E}(i))\). Then the counit of the adjunction \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {C}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}}\dashv \mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {GS}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}}\) at \(A\) is an equivalence.
  • -Let \(A:\mathcal {U}(i)\). Then the unit of the adjunction \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {C}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}}\dashv \mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {GS}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}}\) at \(A\) is an equivalence.
In short, the adjunction \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {C}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}}\dashv \mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {GS}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}}\) restricts to an equivalence \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {GS}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}}(\mathcal {E}(i))\simeq \mathcal {U}(i)\) of categories.

The second axiom ([005E]) is between the base type theory and the type theory of sheaves on a topos. It asserts that a topos is to some extent determined by the category of sheaves on it.

[005E] Axiom

Let \(T\) be a base type theory. We work in \(T\). Let \(X\) be a topos. Suppose that the functor

\(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {C}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sh}}}(X)}:\mathcal {U}(0)\rightarrow \mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {GS}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sh}}}(X)}(\mathcal {U}(0))\)
is an equivalence of categories. Then \(X\) is contractible.

[002S] and [005E] are “too global”. For [002S], what we really want is that étale type families on a topos \(X\) are equivalent to global types in \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sh}}}(X)\). For [005E], what we really want is that a morphism between topose is an equivalence whenever its inverse image functor (introduced later in [003I]) is an equivalence of categories. Both are addressed by the third axiom ([002Y]) which relates type theories of spaces in different base type theories. It asserts that spaces over a topos \(X\) are equivalent to spaces in \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sh}}}(X)\). By this axiom, relative stuff (e.g. type family on a topos \(X\)) is reduced to global stuff (e.g. global type) in \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sh}}}(X)\). Remember that \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sh}}}(X)\) is again a base type theory so [002S] and [005E] are also assumed there.

[002W] Exercise

Let \(T\) be a base type theory, and let \(X\) be a topos in \(T\). We work in \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Glob}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sh}}}(X)}(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}})\). Let \(i:\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Level}}}\).

  • -\(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Type}}}(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {succ}}}(i))\) has products and coproducts indexed over any \(A:\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Type}}}(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {succ}}}(i))\) in \(T\).
  • -\(\mathcal {E}(i)\) is closed under coproducts indexed over any \(A:\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Type}}}(i)\) in \(T\).

[002X] Notation

Let \(T\) be a base type theory. We work in \(T\). Let \(X\) be a topos. By [002W], we have a translation

\(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}\rightarrow \mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Glob}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sh}}}(X)}(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}})\)
that preserves all the structures of the type theory of spaces. We refer to this translation as \(Z\mapsto {X}^{*}(Z)\).

[002U] Notation

Let \(T_{1}\) be a type theory and let \(T_{2}\) be a type theory internal to \(T_{1}\). We work in \(T_{1}\). Let \(i:\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Level}}}\) and let \(A:\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {D}}}_{T_{2}}({}\vdash \mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Type}}}(i))\). Then \(T_{2}/(x:A)\) denotes the slice type theory over \(A\). More precisely, it is described as follows.

  • -Let \(j:\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Level}}}\). Then \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Ctx}}}_{T_{2}/(x:A)}(j)\) is the full subcategory of \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Ctx}}}_{T_{2}}(j)/(x:A)\) spanned by the display maps over \(x:A\) of level \(j\).
  • -The types of types and elements are created by the domain projection \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Ctx}}}_{T_{2}/(x:A)}(j)\rightarrow \mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Ctx}}}_{T_{2}}(\_)\).

[002Y] Axiom

Let \(T\) be a base type theory. We work in \(T\). Let \(X\) be a topos.

  • -\(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {w}}}_{X}:\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {D}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Glob}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sh}}}(X)}(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}})}({}\vdash {X}^{*}(X))\).
  • -The translation
    \(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}}/(x:X)\rightarrow \mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Glob}}}_{\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sh}}}(X)}(\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {Sp}}})\)
    defined by
    \(Z\mapsto ({X}^{*}(Z))[x\mathrel {:\equiv }\mathord {\textnormal {\textsf {w}}}_{X}]\)
    is an equivalence.